Certified digital signature

With our certified digital signature services you are going to be able to sign contracts, minutes, budgets or any other document and organize the signatures of third parties, from your computer quickly and easily and with all legal guarantees.

Certified Digital Contracts

Certified Digital Contracts

Send any contractual text by certified email for viewing and signing online.

  • Recipients: Enter the email address of the recipients to whom you want to send the contract. You can load several recipients at once with our shipping assistant.
  • Delivery: Demonstrate the delivery of the email on a specific date with the access link to the signature screen.
  • Online signature: The recipient will access directly from the link and can view the contract and sign it on the screen.
  • Double Factor Signature: For greater security, you can send a certified short message service (SMS) to the mobile device of the recipient that will be required in the signature process.
  • One or more clauses: Specifies one or more clauses to be accepted by the recipient. Once he or she has accepted them, he or she can proceed with the signature.

Automated Signature of PDF’s

Sign automatically any PDF document you send attached to your certified emails through our Microsoft Outlook add-on.
  • Automatic: You can sign the PDF directly at the time of generating the email. No need to open the PDF.
  • Configurable: Preset if you want to sign all your PDF documents or only some in particular.
  • Digital Certificate: You will be able to select among several digital certificates according to your convenience.
  • Password Validation: If your digital certificate is protected with a password, our add-on will ask you to enter it. For a best experience, you can set your password to be entered by default.
  • Original PDF: If it suits you, you can send the original unsigned PDF document and the signed copy. This way you can show that the digital signature has not modified the content.
  • Sending Certificate: It allows you to certify the shipment by certified email.
Signatura Automatitzada de PDF’s
Portal Web Peticions Certificades ARCO

Web Portal Certified ARCO Requests

Offer a simple, safe, free and secure way as a data protection responsible for the exercise of ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Limitation and Portability).

  • Signed petition: The request is signed with the electronic DNI of the sender to validate their identity, as is demanded on the LOPD and the RGPD.
  • Date: A Daily Time Stamp is included to guarantee the date of the request.
  • Probative guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed for you and for the person who send you the request.
  • Management panel: From your GDPR panel you can see all the requests you have received and you can process a response by certified mail according to the deadlines designated depending on the exercised right.
  • Customizable: You can customize the interface with your texts and your image.

Request information

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